USS Sea Leopard SS-483

Veteran’s Reunion Association

Our Next Reunion
Mon 8/11/25-Fri 8/15/25
Groton, Connecticut
“Home of the Submarine Force”


The submarine USS Sea Leopard (SS-483) was the duty station for hundreds of the nation’s best sailors from June 1945 to March 1973.

This site is the digital home to those same officers and men. We want this site to be a place where crew members can keep in touch with their shipmates, where wives and children can get a glimpse into part of their loved one’s life, and where other people can see how this ship and its crew helped to defend their way of life during the Cold War.

We will continue to add information until we think we’ve told the complete story of the Sea Leopard and its crews. This site has a lot of information about the boat, its officers and crew, its deployments, and boat reunions. We welcome comments, suggestions, corrections, and photo submissions that will make this site even better.

  If you have any suggestions, submissions, or corrections, contact the Sea Leopard Webmaster